“Ur” ancestor: Huang Shougong (黃守恭, AD 629-712) of Quanzhou, Fujian, who founded the Lotus Temple (蓮花寺) after dreaming that a monk begged him for land to build a temple. Auspicious purple clouds appeared in the sky when it was completed, giving the clan its name. After Shougong’s death, the temple was renamed “Kaiyuan” (開元寺). It is Buddhist with Hindu elements, such as stone carvings from a Shiva temple built by Quanzhou’s Tamil community in 1283 – another relic of Fukien's overseas ties.
Huang Shougong had five sons. We are descended from the fourth, Huang Lun, who settled in Tong'an, near the Fukien coast facing Amoy.
26 generations to "Gen 0" village founder Huang Jingshan who established Wen Zao Village on Xiamen Island
There were then an estimated 9 generations of lost records after Huang Jingshan’s 3 sons
Gen #10: Huang Juncha – the genealogy picks up from this ancestor, who is estimated be the 10th generation after Huang Jingshan, and records are apparently unbroken afterwards
Gen #14: Huang Shihong (1692-1759) – records have dates and wives’ names or surnames from this point
Gen #16: Huang Junsheng (1762-1821) – his brother Huang Zhong compiled the bulk of the genealogy upon which our family booklet is based (although he does not himself appear in the genealogy)
Gen #20: Han Liang – if the two series of ancestors are added together, he becomes part of the family’s Gen #46
"Ur" ancestor: Tang Jian (唐儉; courtesy name 茂約 Mao Yue, AD 579-656) of Jinyuan County in Shanxi Province (山西省晉源縣, now Taiyuan 太原). Posthumously known as “Duke” Xiang of Ju (莒襄公 Ju Xiang Gong), he was sent by Emperor Taizong to persuade Jiali Khan, leader of the Eastern Tujue people, to surrender, while at the same time the Tang army orchestrated a surprise attack that led to the khan's capture.
Tang Jian had three sons: Tang Shanshi (唐善識), Tang Heshang (唐河上), Tang Guan (唐観) – not sure which one we are supposed to be descended from
Lineal ancestor: Tang Bao (唐寶; courtesy name 維善 Wei Shan) of the Ming Dynasty was another important ancestor (also based in Jinyuan/Taiyuan?)
Gen #27: Village “ur” ancestor Tang Jue (唐珏, 1467-1549), father of Tang Jie
Gen #28: Village founder Tang Jie (唐岊, 1505-1593) – settled in Xi Zhang
Gen #42: Tang Xiqi (錫圻, 1886-c.1917) – age 13 at the time the genealogy was published, he was part of the youngest generation included